Artwork is one of the most bulbous part of art, especially modern art. Art has undergone so many changes and it has seen so many ups and downs that now it is hardly believable to the people that now it has become dependent on promoting it. Yes that’s true! People are becoming professional and career oriented too much in this so called modern time. Now scarcely there will be some real admirers of artwork. Though artworks are visible in houses, offices and corporate houses, for most of the times art is disregarded over the true assessment of it.

Well other than that issue, there is another issue that needs concentration. So many a time you will see different types and different styles of images of the same artwork. Sometimes it gives us varied views of the same thing, sometimes it deteriorates our thought and imagination regarding that artwork or sometimes it simply mesmerized us. My point is that it is not always like that. Why should there be different pictures of the same thing which are fabricated and sometimes tempered to give a better view? Isn’t art is for art’s sake? How should people react when they will see the real thing and find some poor similarities between the image and the original thing?

That is why we give the most importance on artwork images. Sometimes it’s just because we don’t want to ruin the immensity of an artwork or sometimes we do not want to underestimate the real value of the thing. Images are very important in a sense that these images will be serving as the one and only media between the buyer and the retailer. If the images are full of imaginary light shades and other stuffs that may mar the real beauty of the original thing, then what is the use of using images? No it should not be like that.

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